General Business Taxonomy free download – Managed Metadata Service

While you guys gear up for INDO-PAK clash ,even me too can’t wait to watch the exciting match and in the mean time here is an exciting stuff .

If you are looking for general business taxonomy terms  instead of looking into the empty term store ,it is available for free download .The Microsoft SharePoint team have teamed up with WAND, a leading provider of Enterprise Taxonomies, to make their General Business Taxonomy available as a freely available download.

The General Business Taxonomy consists of around 500 terms describing common functional areas that exist in most businesses.  The General Business Taxonomy can be imported in to the SharePoint 2010 term store within minutes and provides a great starting point for customers looking to build a corporate vocabulary and take advantage of the Managed Metadata Service. Enjoy guys….

“Path Not Exist” Error while saving an excel sheet from excel 2010

If you face an path does not exist error while trying to save your excel sheet from excel 2010 to a SharePoint document library,then it could be because of “Desktop Experience feature is not installed”  by default in your windows server 2008. Just install/enable the feature will solve the problem for you… Enjoy..

Get the base list types available in SharePoint

If you want retrieve the list of base list types available in SharePoint ,please use the below code

string[] listTypeNames = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(SPListTemplateType));
Array listTypeValues = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(SPListTemplateType));

int j = 0;

foreach (int i in listTypeValues)
Console.WriteLine(listTypeNames[j++].ToString() + ” ” + i.ToString());

This should return the results like below
SPListTemplateType.Contacts = 105
SPListTemplateType.DiscussionBoard = 108
SPListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary = 101
SPListTemplateType.Events = 106
SPListTemplateType.Announcements = 104
SPListTemplateType.GenericList = 100
SPListTemplateType.InvalidType = -1
SPListTemplateType.IssueTracking = 1100
SPListTemplateType.Links = 103
SPListTemplateType.ListTemplateCatalog = 114
SPListTemplateType.PictureLibrary = 109
SPListTemplateType.Survey = 102
SPListTemplateType.Tasks = 107
SPListTemplateType.WebPartCatalog = 113
SPListTemplateType.WebTemplateCatalog = 111
SPListTemplateType.XMLForm = 115

UnSecured Application Pages in SharePoint 2010

While creating the unsecured application pages like Login,User Registration Pages especially for FBA sites in SharePoint ,we should be inherting our page from the base class ‘UnSecuredLayoutsPageBase’ like below.

// inherit the page from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase instead of Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.LayoutsPageBase

public partial class UserRegistrationPage : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)


Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb _Web = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
this.MasterPageFile = _Web.MasterUrl;



but the above class implementation will fail when you test after deploying it,actually what it does is while you try to load the UserRegistrationPage from browser it automatically redirects to ‘Login’ page which is available inside thej IDENITYMODEL/Forms folder.

To resolve the issue,you need to add/override the AllowAnonymousAccess property and return true along with AllowWebNull in your custom application page and this should resolve the problem.

//override the allow anonymous property to true
protected override bool AllowAnonymousAccess
get { return true; }

protected override bool AllowNullWeb { get { return true; } }